

Make Data-Driven Decisions with Cliniko x QuantCare  

Deliver personalised care by combining the power of patient-reported outcome and experience measures with Cliniko data and automated recalls.

Automated PROMs & PREMs survey generation

Send surveys automatically based on whether a patient is tagged to an appointment type. 

View results summary on Cliniko

View a snapshot of survey results directly on the patient’s Cliniko record

Easily track clinic KPIs

Monitor clinic progress with our KPIs dashboards and weekly email digest on key metrics

Key Features

Automated PROMs & PREMs survey generation


Send surveys automatically based on whether a patient is tagged to an appointment type.

View results summary on Cliniko


View a snapshot of survey results directly on the patient’s Cliniko record

Easily track clinic KPIs


Monitor clinic progress with our KPIs dashboards and weekly email digest on key metrics

Transform your practice using the power of patient-centred analytics

See why clinics trust QuantCare to deliver their value based care